Inflammation that occurs to the olecranon bursa. The bursa is between the point of the back of the elbow and the tendon of the elbow. The bursa is there to protect the bone of the elbow sometimes when hit this area can inflame. Olcreanon bursitis is also known as student’s elbow, popeye elbow, liquid elbow or baker’s elbow. It generally looks like a giant bump of the elbow. It is best treated with Cold Laser therapy to remove the inflammation in the joint and bursa.
Also known as Medial Epicondylitis. This is inflammation of the inside or medial part of the elbow associated with the common wrist flexor tendon. Some muscles that maybe involved include pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris, and flexor digitorum superficialis. Golfers are not the only people who get this type of pain, people who clench their fingers and use their fist often for their job can get this pain. Throwing and weightlifting sports can also cause this type of pain due to improper technique. Workers who use tools that clench their fist may get this. The best way to deal with the inflammation is to use Cold Laser Therapy, Active Release Technique and Kinesiotape to decrease the inflammation.
A hyperextended elbow is when the elbow joint has been extended beyond its normal range of motion. This can cause ligament sprains and muscular strains. It is commonly associated with contact sports but can also happen when you fall on and reach out and catch yourself. You may even hear a popping sound to the elbow. The key to treat the hypextended elbow is to treat the inflammation which may require cold laser, stability to the joint then needs to be addressed in which Kinesiotape can help hold the joint in place.
The two main ligaments of the elbow are the Ulnar Collateral Ligament (UCL) which runs along the inside part of the elbow and Lateral Collateral ligament which runs on the outside part of the elbow. A third ligament known as the Annular ligament which circles the head of the radius and holds it in place of the humerous. When these ligaments become stretched beyond their measurement they sprain. This can be because of trauma or because of repetitive motion that can lead to a major tear in the ligament. The most common sprains and tears of the elbow is the UCL ligament, it is commonly associated with baseball players and when the ligament tears Tommy John Surgey is opted for. When these ligaments become sprained based on the severity Active Release Technique, Graston Technique, Cold Laser Therapy, Kinesiotape and Radial Pulse Technique can be performed.
Also known as Lateral Epicondylitis. This is inflammation on the outside or lateral half of the elbow associated with the common wrist extensor muscles. It is commonly associated with the extensor carpi radialis brevis group. It is common for point tenderness on the outside part of the elbow and can be distinguished very simply with an orthopedic test known as cozens test. The best way to deal with the inflammation is to use Cold Laser Therapy, Active Release Technique and Kinesiotape to decrease the inflammation.